Show Jumping
Throughout the year children can improve their SJ skills at rallies. To participate in showjumping competitions, the children and ponies are subject to tack inspections and they must meet all the requirements.
Pony club showjumping includes the very popular Alice Mernagh (U12), Robbie Bailey (U14), John Ledingham (15+). Details of the competitions are given below:
To qualify for the National Championships, riders need to qualify within Area 2 first. The DC/trainer will select teams of 4 for the qualifiers.
Area 2 SJ Qualifier : April 16th 2020 in Mullingar Equestrian Centre
National Championships : 30th Jul – 1st Aug 2020 Barnadown Equestrian, Wexford
Alice Mernagh
Max height 80cm, team of 4, <12yrs (on 1st Jan), D+ test standard. Previous combinations of pony/rider from a winning team are not eligible. All ponies/horses are eligible if they have competed with SJI 90cm or under.
First two rounds maximum height 75cm.
Speed is 325 meters per minute.
A maximum of 8 fences will be used on the first round which will not include a double.
There must be a change of course for the second round which will have a double.
Jump off round will not exceed 80cm
Robbie Bailey
Max height 90cm, Team of 4, <14yrs (on 1st Jan), C test standard (not necessary to have C test). No grade A ponies. Previous combinations of pony/rider from a winning team are not eligible. Ponies/Horses are eligible if they are currently or have been in the previous year jumping SJI at 1.0m or less.
John Ledingham
Max height 1m, team of 4, <21yrs (on 1st Jan), C/C+ standard. Horses eligible if they have jumped in SJI at 1.10m or less in current or previous year. Ponies jumping 1.10m also eligible as long as they have not qualified for RDS in current year or represented Ireland with SJI abroad
Showjumping Classic
This competition is aimed at riders who wish to compete in showjumping at a high level. There are four levels:
SJ Classic – up to 1.20m
Classic Finder – up to 1.10m
Classic Starter – up to 1m
Classic 90 – up to 90cm
The Classic Final is usually held in September of each year. Qualifier dates will be published on the IPC website closer to the time and you can qualify from any area, you are not confined to area 2. You must though have your C test to compete in the SJ Classic.
Showjumping Tack Sheet
Irish Pony Club Tack Sheet for Show Jumping can be downloaded here